Blog tagged as Structured Operations

My Apologizes to Office Managers
The undervalued Office Manager.
11.05.22 05:21 PM - Comment(s)
Validated Learning

I recently read the book "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries (thank you for the recommendation Ben Hall). My primary take away was "Validated Learning". It aligns well with my belief that a company's value is its cumulative learning. To evolve means to A-B test. Nature itself is a bu...

10.05.22 12:47 PM - Comment(s)
Structured Operations

In just about any stage of life, “what do you do?” is a persistent and relevant question.

Since I sold my IT firm and started my new business nine years ago, I’ve sometimes lacked the clarity to succinctly answer this question. However, this changed for me a couple of months ago. Now I answer confid...

27.02.20 06:29 PM - Comment(s)
Record Your Meetings

I typically don’t get this granular in recommending tactical applications, but I feel this one is a game changer: record your meetings.

I recently started using the Meetings app in the ZoHo One suite of applications. It’s not the most feature-rich tool for managing and executing web meeting...

20.02.20 04:26 PM - Comment(s)
Strategic Planning is About Decision Making

Every organization has limited resources (some more so than others). These include: cash, staff, knowledge/skill, time, space, technology, etc. So, what is the best use of those limited resource to move your organization forward.

I believe the three primary elements of an operations are structure, it...

31.01.20 01:29 PM - Comment(s)